Not really a dollar short, but I had to use the cliche. My mother is visiting while dad's out of town, so I haven't been very productive since Thursday afternoon. I did get my edits back on the synopsis, query, and first pages of Light and Dark, and I'm really pleased with the comments and changes. I think I'm on track to start the query process in a month or two, if I can summon up the guts.
As for The Prophet, I managed to meet my Row80 goals before Mom got here. I wanted to write the first 5000 words, and I'm just over 5500. Yay! I'm going to refocus tomorrow and hopefully get some serious writing done this week.
I hope you've all had an amazing weekend and that your Labor Day is relaxing and fun. I'll be back tomorrow with some great recipes for Tempting Tuesday:)
Good job! I love surpassing goals. *grin* Lol, that picture is too funny.
Thanks, me too. I chose that picture because we're draining our pool this weekend:)
The query process is one of those things where you end up thinking, "Why did I think this would be a big deal?"
I have been pretty unproductive this weekend. I just needed some time off from the whole merry go round.
Enjoy your Mom. My parents visited in early August. I just planned for "no work" and lots of visiting while they were here. I was much happier for it. And on the query, YOU CAN DO IT. Glad your edits are on track.
Completely understand. I'm glad you posted because I was wondering if you were affected by all the bad Texas weather.
Thanks, I did and definitely got no work done. Now trying to get back into the groove.
Love the maniacal baby! Sounds like you're rocking it. I have done didley and squat! I haven't even checked in on ROW80 in weeks. So, you're doing great.
That baby makes me laugh every time. Thanks so much. I'm happy to have met my goals, but I need to get motivated and in gear. Have been lazying around last few days. Thanks!
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