I know the artist used the wrong form of "you're" in the pic. But it was too funny not to use.
I've been tagged! Rachel Harrie is hosting the Writer's Platform Building Campaign, and the wonderful Tiffany White has tagged me.
Rules: You must be tagged by someone; list 10 random facts about yourself; tag four more people.
I don't know if I can come up with 10 random facts that are actually interesting, but here goes!
1) The first TV shows I remember watching were Dallas and Hill Street Blues. I knew both the theme songs at the age of four. Guess that's where I get my love of dramatics and crime, lol.
2) I didn't watch Sesame Street until I was an adult and had my own child.
3) My earliest childhood memory is going under anesthesia to get tubes in my ears. I remember seeing myself cowering in a corner through a long tunnel. I was two.
4) I loved Little House on the Praire and used to pretend to be Laura Ingalls Wilder. I had old dresses my grandma gave me, and my aunt Donna even made me a calico skirt.
5) The first story I ever wrote was about New Kids on the Block. Don't laugh. I didn't know it was called fan fiction way back then. I still have the notebook, and the writing I thought was gold is pretty crappy. But hey, I was 12.

6) In 1986, my dad and I watched Michael Jordan score 63 points against the Celtics. I've been a diehard fan ever since. Bulls games were an event in our house, especially during the playoffs. Some of my best memories with my dad are watching those games. I was lucky enough to see Michael play twice, once in old Chicago Stadium (I actually have a piece of the old floor, a red section), and in Indianapolis.

7) My first Hollywood crush was Kirk Cameron. It was this poster that did it.
8) My current celebrity crush is Chris Hemsworth. Seriously. Look at the man.
9) I absolutely believe ghosts, spirits, etc. because of personal experience.

10) The summer of my sophomore year of high school, our band and chorus traveled to Washington, D.C. I was chosen to participate in the daily wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Standing at the tomb hearing Taps played was one of the most moving moments of my life. The link is from this year and not my experience, but the ritual is the same. Our group walked the new wreath out to be exchanged with the old one.
Now, I get to tag four new bloggers and friends. This is tough because there are so many! Catie Rhodes, Annie Boreson, Kelly Hashway, and Angela Wallace, you're up!
Ah, I've been tagged! Oh boy, the possibilities of embarrassing myself are endless. :)
LOL, aren't they? Have fun!
Aw, New Kids on the Block fan fiction!
Ha! I had that same poster of Kirk Cameron. XP
Stacy - these are fantastic. I might have to borrow your current crush. He has serious sex appeal. Be still my beating heart.
It's so bad, too. I read it a few months ago and laughed amid my embarrassed tears, lol.
I think a lot of girls did. I loved his blue eyes:)
Isn't he? He was great in Thor, and he seems like a down to earth guy. Yum all around.
Thanks, ladies!
I too believe in spirits and also guardian angels because of personal experience!
Very cool You'll have to share your experience some time:)
Ever so often I get reminded I'm of a different generation. Television? First one I saw had about a 4" b/w screen and it was the only one on the block. (We got one--b/w in the basement rec room--when I was in high school.) And I READ the Little House books in grade school, and was watching Gilligan's Island (in b/w) when the lights went out during the Fairbanks Flood.
LOL, Sua Ann. I read the Little House books, too. Wasn't just the series. I often wish the series would have stuck more to the books. I remember watching reruns of Gilligans. Thanks for commenting!
Whoops, sorry. SUE Ann. Need to proof before I post.
Lol, I love that pic of the fox. You know, I always assumed all those types of pictures intentionally used the wrong word form. I'd be horrified if they are actually honest mistakes.
I don't think I have 10 random facts about me, either. I have 7 from an older post, lol. Fact: no one who knows me now believes it's possible that I used to dance hip hop in junior high. They think pigs would fly first.
I'd hope so, but you never know. LOL, sorry about that. Now you have to think of some more. I have lots of random facts, but very few are interesting. That's cool you used to dance hip hop - way beyond my skill set.
Who didn't love Kirk Cameron? Fun post! Glad I found your blog.
Thanks, and welcome! Kirk Cameron/Mike Seaver was definitely a lovable guy:)
Kirk Cameron was a cutie (still not bad actually). I loved Little House too - the books more than the show, though. You made me look up Chris Hemsworth. I haven't seen anything he's been in. Good to learn more about you, Stacy!
Julie - Kirk's aged pretty well. I was the same with Little House, but still loved the show. Oh, watch Thor! Yum. And he's a good actor. Thanks:)
Stacy, it is no wonder that you and I are friends. I'm really looking forward to the continuation of Dallas on TNT next year, you? I vividly remember my parents watching Hill Street Blues on Thursday nights after bowling. I never really watched any children's programs as a child, I was more into the crime and mystery dramas that my parents watched. I LOVED Kirk and the New Kids. You should cherish your fanfic that you found. Has your daughter read it? I also love Michael Jordan...I actually have an autographed basketball. AND, Washington DC is one of my favorite places to visit. I can't go a day without crying at something beautiful - whether it be a monument or a museum. GREAT post. Congrats on the awards. You deserve it!
Yes, I am. Hopefully it lives up to the original. I didn't watch a lot of kids programs either. I watched Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, Dallas, Falcon Crest, etc. I actually saw NKOTBSB in July and it was awesome. Took Grace and she loved it. Something I never thought I would do. No, she hasn't read the fic - she's only five and a half.
I miss Michael so much. I just can't get into basketball anymore. He changed the game, and it's not the same without him. As for DC, I would love to go back. I was only 16 and didn't fully appreciate it.
Thanks so much!
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