* Setting is done
* Main Characters established
* Timeline created
* Antagonist motivations explored and finalized
* Character's back stories done
* First 1000 words written
In the next week I want to work on the main conflicts and get going on writing. I do have my inciting incident and end game, and I'll work on the turning points as I go.
I came across this great two-part post by Donald Maas at Writer Unboxed and wanted to share with you. If you haven't read his book Writing The Breakout Novel, I highly recommend it. I question the value of some of the craft books, but this one is great.
In his posts The Elements of Awe, Maas talks about the factors that generate great word of mouth. Check them out!
How are your #Row80 goals coming?
I'm writing a book myself so I'll be checking out your link to "Writing the Breakout Novel." Thanks
Sounds like you're rolling along just fine. And thanks for the "Elements of Awe" links - scurrying off to check them out!
Great idea. That's one of the best craft books I've read. Good luck! Thanks:)
Thanks so much. Definitely read the Maas links. They are full of great info!
Girl! You are on it! :) Awesome.
Thanks for the Donald Maass links. He's got a lot of great advice. I have his workbook. We ought to go through it and try to do the exercises.
Thanks, guys! Catie, we should. I didn't get his workbook, but it sounds like something that would be really helpful.
Good job, Stacy. :)
Thank you so much for the links. I think I have Writing The Breakout Novel around here somewhere.
My ROW80 goals are coming along better these days. Thanks for asking! :)
You're welcome. If you haven't read Writing The Breakout Novel, you definitely need to. Great job on getting your Row80 goals done!
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