Every rational person knows vampires aren't real. There are no undead cursed to walk the earth for eternity searching for their next victim. And delicious-smelling, sparkly vampires who don't feast on humans are certainly the stuff of an overactive imagination.
Thriller Thursday: The Vampire of Sacramento
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Labels: cannibal, Richard Chase, serial killers, Stacy Green, Thriller Thursday, vampires, writingEvery rational person knows vampires aren't real. There are no undead cursed to walk the earth for eternity searching for their next victim. And delicious-smelling, sparkly vampires who don't feast on humans are certainly the stuff of an overactive imagination.
Tempting Tuesday: Going Without and Giving Back
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Labels: #gowithout, A Day Without Sushi, charity, Stacy Green, Tempting TuesdayLast Friday, the wonderful Amber West posted a challenge on her blog, A Day Without Sushi. What can you give up for the next few weeks in effort to donate to charity? The idea is giving up a daily pleasure in order to help those in need without breaking our budgets. Post about what you're giving up and which charity you're donating to.
Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital:
Text KIDS to 27722 to give $10
Susan G. Komen – Breast Cancer:
Text KOMEN to 90999 to give $10
Elisabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation:
Text HIVFREE to 90999 to donate $5
The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children:
Text NYSPCC to 50555 to donate $10
Make sure you link your blog here as well. And if you don't have a blog but still want to donate, post a picture of whatever you're giving up on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #gowithout.
This week, I'm giving up something vital to my existence: my afternoon enormous Diet Mt. Dew and Special K protein bar. I need to cut back on the pop, and I'm spending about $3 a day on the two. By cutting them out, I can easily donate $10 or more to the American Diabetes Association.
What can you give up? I chose the ADA because my mother suffers from the disease. What charities are near and dear to your heart?
Manic Monday: I Can't Make This Sh#T Up.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Labels: dogs, fun, Hotdoll, humor, Manic Monday, pets, Stacy Green
Thriller Thursday: America's Most Haunted Prison
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Labels: Eastern State Penitentiary, haunting, paranormal, Stacy Green, Thriller Thursday"The whole room was suffused in the glow of a desk lamp which stood on a polished desk. On the once-grim walls of the penal chamber hung tasteful paintings, and the strains of a waltz were being emitted by a powerful cabinet radio receive of handsome design and fine finish." -- Philadelphia Public Ledger, August 20, 1929.
"When my mother, my sister, and I visited in 2004, we caught not one, but two EVPS (electronic voice phenomenon—a disembodied voice that isn't audible to the naked ear, but can be heard via digital recording) in the exact same spot. We were up by ourselves on the stairs that lead to the catwalk, snapping a few photos when a voice came through sternly instructing us, "you don't have to take a damn picture." Just moments later, the same voice manifested again, this time forlornly stating, "I'm lonely..." - Blue Moon Ghost Hunters
Tempting Tuesday: Themes Songs To Love
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Labels: 80s theme songs, Dallas, Little House on the Prairie, music, North and South, Stacy Green, television, Tempting Tuesday, True BloodManic Monday - Finding the Perfect Jeans
Monday, September 19, 2011
Labels: fashion, jeans, Manic Monday, PZI jeans, shopping, Stacy Green, womenRow 80 Check-In and Blogger Ball
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Labels: Blogger Ball, Light and Dark, Row80, She Writes, Stacy Green, The Prophet, writing***First round edit to be completed by September 19.
2) Get outline and first 5000 words of The Prophet done.
3) Blog at least 3x a week and keep building my author platform.
4) Read, RT and comment on at least 5 blogs a day.
Thriller Thursday: The Sweet Face of Pure Evil
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Labels: crime, female serial killers, Mary Bell, murder, Stacy Green, Thriller ThursdayThere was a terrible playfulness about it, a terrible gentleness if you like, and somehow the playfulness made it more, rather than less, terrifying. - Inspector James Dobson.
"Mary Bell was standing in front of the Howe's house when the coffin was brought out. I was, of course, watching her. And it was when I saw her there that I knew I dare not risk another day. She stood there, laughing. Laughing and rubbing her hands. I thought, My God, I've got to bring her in, she'll do another one." - Inspector Dobson.
"Mary smiled and asked to see Martin. I said, 'no pet, Martin is dead.' She turned round and said, 'Oh I know he's dead. I wanted to see him in his coffin.' She was still grinning. I was just speechless that such a young child should want to see a dead baby, and I just slammed the door on her."
"A child is a blessing. She took my blessing and left me with grief for the rest of my life. I hope when she looks at this child she remembers the two she murdered. I will never see a grandchild from my son. I hope when she looks at this baby she realized what my family are missing out on because of what she has done."-- June Richardson, mother of Martin Brown.
Tempting Tuesday: Billy the Exterminator
When I found out [about being placed in entomology] I actually started bawling my head off when I called home to my Mom and Dad because I just joined the United States Air Force to be the Orkin Man and squish bugs. --Billy Bretherton

Manic Monday: Randomness and Awards
Monday, September 12, 2011
Labels: bloggers, Chris Hemsworth, fun, Manic Monday, Michael Jordan, paranormal, Tomb of the Unknown SoldierI don't know if I can come up with 10 random facts that are actually interesting, but here goes!